How does the service work? After uploading your file, you will receive your Mix Check or Mastering within the communicated delivery time to your email adress.

Where do I upload my file? After checkout you will receive a confirmation email with an upload link.

What to do with my Mix Check result? The Mix Check gives you a good feedback to decide if your mix is ready to get mastered or if you should invest further time in tweaking some knobs.

Do I need my mix to be mastered? Mastering is the final step in music production. This process is to make sure your song sounds good on most listening devices. Also the final volume will be applied to your song.

Is there a money back guarantee? No. All sales are final. My customers are really happy with the service. In case you should still struggle with the result or you have any other question, please contact me and we will find a solution.

Compare the services:

Mix Check FastMix Check ProMastering FastMastering Pro
Delivery time24h48h24h48h
Stems allowedyes

Who is behind mix-checker.com? This website is operated by mastering engineer Tobias Ney.

Tobias works in television and music production and has 15 years of experience as a professional audio engineer. He has mixed and mastered thousands of television shows, music releases, concerts and concert recordings.

For more information please visit tobias-ney.lu

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